Safety Compliance made simple

Squarebit Safety is a cloud based health and safety compliance automation platform that enables your team to make the journey of implementing a health and safety program painless

Trusted by these companies in the industry

    • AASP
    • LECM

    Better Safety, out of the box!

    With features that allow you to create the Safety Program your team needs, Squarebit Safety makes the journey of implementing a health and safety program painless.

    Ready-to-go Forms

    Squarebit Safety comes with a library of pre-made forms that are ready to go out of the box. These forms are designed to meet the requirements of most common safety programs and can be toggled on depending on your companies needs.

    Ready-to-go Forms

    Unlimited Custom Forms

    While Squarebit delivers pre-made safety forms, ready to go out of the box, we recognize that not every business is the same. Build your own forms with ease with our form builder, and make changes on the fly as your company evolves.

    Unlimited Custom Forms

    Grow Your Team

    Squarebit Safety makes it easy to invite new members and manage your existing team.

    Grow Your Team

    Manage Assignments

    Ensure your team is always aware of what their requirements are to do their part of maintaining the company health and safety system. This saves valuable resources through reducing the amount of follow up required by the administration team.

    Detail of zipper pull with tan leather and silver rivet.

    Submit Exemptions

    If a team member is unable to complete an assignment, they can request an exemption. This exemption request is sent to the administration team for review and approval.

    Submit Exemptions

    Upload Documents

    Squarebit Safety makes it easy to upload safety documents for easy access by your team.

    Upload Documents

    Audit With Ease

    Through the built-in audit system, administrators can review completed forms and accept or deny them based on their compliance with your safety program. This allows for focused training opportunities which increases the quality of safety documents being generated.

    Audit With Ease.

    Powerful Reports

    Squarebit Safety provides powerful reporting tools that allow you to see the status of your safety program at a glance. These reports can be generated for the company as a whole, or for specific users.

    Powerful Reports

    Stay Safety Compliant

    Squarebit Safety makes completing safety forms easy, helping to ensure that your team stays compliant with your safety program.

    Stay Safety Compliant

    Efficient H&S management

    Keep your team safe and comply with regulations using Squarebit

    File Drawer

    All the forms kept in one, easy to find place

    Squarebit comes with a number of premade, ready to use forms that are compliant with health and safety regulations. These forms, and other important forms you’ve created, in your personalized file drawer.

    Safety Topics

    Education and safety awareness tools readily available for use by health and safety administrators and workers.

    Find premade, ready to use safety topics for toolbox meetings, or general refreshers, in the Learn tab of Squarebit.

    Form Builder

    Your safety program, built your way.

    While Squarebit delivers pre-made safety forms, ready to go out of the box, we recognize that not every business is the same. Build your own forms with ease with our form builder, and make changes on the fly as your company evolves.

    Loved by businesses worldwide.

    Our software is so simple that people can’t help but fall in love with it. Simplicity is easy when you just skip tons of mission-critical features.

      • Our safety program comprised of multiple piles of paperwork which required additional administration to manage, with low employee engagement in using the program. Since using Squarebit Safety, our compliance to safety reporting has significantly increased. And with the additional accountability in compliance reports, forms are completed on a regular basis by all levels of worker within the organization..

        Jonathan Hopkins
        LE Construction & Maintenance
      • Squarebit Safety has been invaluable for me and my team. Because of the simple to use features and accessibility across multiple devices, Island Irrigation has been able to begin its COR certification journey

        Dan Kremer
        Island Irrigation

      Smart Safety, Get Started Today

      Protect your workers. Simple online health and safety management with Squarebit.

      Get Started

      Frequently asked questions

      If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and if you’re lucky someone will get back to you.

        • Who really needs this app?

          Squarebit is intended for any company, big or small, that needs to implement and support an active health and safety program.

        • Do I really need a health and safety program?

          Yes! Though not routinely enforced, legislation from provinces across Canada require businesses operate within local health and safety acts, codes and regulations. Having a system in place ensures you and your workers are going home at the end of the work day, as well as avoiding injuries that could have serious impacts to livelihoods

        • What's in it for me?

          Using Squarebit to implement and maintain, or support an existing health and safety program sees instant benefit in: Increased worker engagement in use of safety documentation, Reduced injury rates due to increased engagement, Increased, quality contracts with companies whom also support health and safety programs, Help in achieving and maintaining COR compliance through active demonstration that regular documents are completed, Reduced liability in the event that investigations are required through demonstration a safety program is implemented and maintained.

        • How difficult is it to implement a safety program?

          The reality is that implementing a health and safety program is actually quite simple. With the right tools, of course. Squarebit intends to make the journey of implementing a health and safety program painless.

      Fast-forward your safety program

      Join Squarebit Safety

      The reality is that implementing a health and safety program is actually quite simple. With the right tools, of course.

      A cloud based health and safety compliance automation platform that takes the pain out of implementing your health and safety program; that's Squarebit Safety!

      No credit card required,
      14-day free trial!

      Starting at just $50/mo

      Join Now!